Dr. Neil Hammerschlag, Ph.D

Dr. Neil Hammerschlag is a marine ecologist and shark researcher based out of Nova Scotia, Canada. He is the founder and Executive Director of the Shark Research Foundation. Hammerschlag is also President of Atlantic Shark Expeditions, an organization dedicated to providing opportunities for the public to experience, discover, and help protect sharks through ecotourism and citizen science. Neil is an investigator with the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network and a courtesy faculty member at Oregon State University. 

Neil’s research centers on the behavioral ecology of the ocean’s top predators under global change. He has published over 150 scientific articles and has projects currently underway in Nova Scotia, Florida, Bahamas, and South Africa.

In addition to his scientific research, Neil is well known for his innovative community outreach and dedication to fostering STEM education in youth, especially kids from minoritized and disadvantaged groups. For example, Neil is a faculty with the Black Girls Dive Foundation, where he provides students with unique hands-on training in marine biology and exciting educational field experiences.

Neil’s research has been publicized widely in the media, including features on Discovery Channel, National Geographic, NBC’s Today Show, CNN, ABC’s Good Morning America, NPR, LA Times, New York Post, and Forbes – to name a few. He has assisted in the development of several shark specials for BBC, National Geographic Shark Fest, and Discovery Shark Week. His passion for teaching and communicating science has led him to speak at conferences and events around the world, including TEDxDr. Hammerschlag is Nautica Wavemaker and Ambassador for Cressi dive company.

Neil received a B.S. in Ecology from the University of Toronto, Canada, in 2002, and his M.S. in Marine Biology from Nova Southeastern University in Florida, in 2004. He completed his Ph.D. in Marine Biology & Fisheries from the Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami in 2009. Before establishing Atlantic Shark Expeditions, he was a Research Professor at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School as well as the founder and former Director of the University of Miami’s Shark Research and Conservation Program.

Neil loves hockey and is a die-hard Pearl Jam fan and has seen the band in concert over 40+ times and counting. His favorite color is bright orange. Neil can be reached at drneilhammer@sharkresearch.org