The Shark Research Foundation Inc. is a Florida not-for-profit corporation, tax exempt status under section 501(C)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
- Mission
- Core Activities
- Board of Directors
- Team
- Contact
The mission of the Shark Research Foundation is to increase scientific knowledge, improve public perceptions, and promote the conservation of sharks through research and education.
The Shark Research Foundation accomplishes its mission by undertaking three core activities:
- Conducting scientific explorations into the biology, ecology, and conservation of sharks
- Publicly sharing scientific discoveries via print, broadcast, online, and social media
- Providing research experiences, internships, and trainings for the public.
Neil Hammerschlag, Ph.D. – Executive Director, President, Treasurer
William J. Gallwey III – Secretary
Linda Mays McCaul
Neil Hammerschlag, Ph.D.. – Executive Director & Chief Scientist
Dr. Ben D’Antonio – Research Scientist (independent contractor)
Ashely Getz – Social Media Manager (independent contractor)
Becca Brunke – Accountant & Bookkeeper
Contact: Dr. Neil Hammerschlag:
+1 (902) 943-6139